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Past Projects

Transgender Research Consortium (TRC)

Investigators: Peter Goldblum, Ph.D., MPH, Bruce Bongar, Ph.D., Joyce Chu, Ph.D., & Jennifer Orthwein, JD, Ph.D.

Description: The aim of the consortium was to provide research evidence of the current state of transgender physical and mental health and to use these data to provide recommendations to inform broad public policy, education, training, and clinical practice. Under the close supervision of their research mentors, students actively participate in identifying research questions, reviewing pertinent literature, designing methods (in original studies: developing research and statistical methods, recruiting participants, collecting) and analyzing data, describing the results, and drawing appropriate conclusions from results. Each student and their mentor commit to writing and submitting articles for peer-reviewed journals upon completion. To date one working group has been formed.


Testa, R. J., Sciacca, L. M., Wang, F., Hendricks, M., Goldblum, P., Bradford, J., & Bongar, B. (2012) The Effects of Violence on Transgender People. Manuscript submitted for publication to Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43, 5, 452-459.

Goldblum, P., Testa, R. J., Pflum, S., Hendricks, M. L., Bradford, J., & Bongar, B. (2012) In-School Gender-Based Victimization and Suicide Attempts among Transgender People. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43, 5, 468-475.

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